A room for quality sophisticated relaxation in a small circle of friends, business partners or colleagues. For your convenience, the VIP area is equipped with a SPA bath, sauna, massage shower and two changing rooms.

Book the VIP area at least 2 hours before arrival!

We would like to inform you that from June 22, 2024, our water relaxation centre will have a well-deserved rest until the autumn season. Read more – here.


VIP area
VIP area3 hoursBuy150.00
VIP areaAfter three hours each additional hourBuy30.00
VIP area2 hoursBuy100.00

In the birthday week, for the person celebrating birthday, 15 % discount!

The service is provided by appointment ONLY.

Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi

Joker kluba VIP zona ir lieliska vieta privātu pasākumu rīkošanai no 2 līdz 15 personām.
Jūsu rīcībā ir sauna, burbuļojoša SPA vanna, kā arī divas atsevišķas ģērbtuves.

Jā, VIP zonas sagatavošanai ir nepieciešamas vismaz divas stundas, tāpēc iepriekšēja rezervācija ir obligāta. Sazinieties ar mums pa tālruni: +371 26441212 vai

Working hours


Squash, massages
7.00 - 21.00

7.00 - 21.00

Water relaxation center:

/CLOSED from June 22/

On Mondays-Thursdays, parents with children are welcome at the centre during regular hours, whereas on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, children of up to 12 years of age (including) may be present at the Water Relaxation Centre until 18.00 to respect those who would like to enjoy a relaxing SPA visit.


Squash, massages
9.00 - 16.00

9.00 - 16.00

Water relaxation center:

/CLOSED from June 22/

On Mondays-Thursdays, parents with children are welcome at the centre during regular hours, whereas on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, children of up to 12 years of age (including) may be present at the Water Relaxation Centre until 18.00 to respect those who would like to enjoy a relaxing SPA visit.


Squash, massages


Water relaxation center:

/CLOSED from June 22/

On Mondays-Thursdays, parents with children are welcome at the centre during regular hours, whereas on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, children of up to 12 years of age (including) may be present at the Water Relaxation Centre until 18.00 to respect those who would like to enjoy a relaxing SPA visit.