Joker Club uses cookies on its website, in order to enhance the online experience of the Client as a user, to improve the website’s functionality and the quality of the service provided. I What are cookies? Cookies are small text files, which are stored by the web browser in the user’s device (computer, mobile phone, tablet), in order to identify the browser or information and settings saved in the browser. Therefore, with the help of the cookies, the website gains the ability to save the user’s individual settings, recognize them and react accordingly. II What types of cookies are there and for what purposes do we use them? According to the performed function and purpose of use, the following types can be distinguished: – strictly necessary cookies; – unctional cookies; – analytical cookies; – advertising cookies. Using the website, you, the Client, agree that we: – collect the information about how you use this website, such as how often you visit it and which pages you view. The stored information cannot be connected to any particular person; – store data about which browser and technical features are used when visiting our website; – customize the webs and its content according to the information obtained after your latest visit. – Information gathered in the Joker Club’s website with the help of cookies can be used also for showing advertisements when you visit other websites in the internet. III The confirmation of cookies and refusal of their use While the Client is visiting the website, a window is displayed with a notification about the use of cookies on this website. Clicking on the button “I AGREE”, the Client confirms that he/she is familiar with the information about cookies and the purposes of their use. However, the Client has the possibility to refuse the use of cookies, restricting the use of cookies and enabling their deletion in the security settings of their web browser. If the Client chooses to partly or fully refuse the use of cookies, the website may not function correctly. The Client can find more information about cookies, their types and uses on the website Joker Club reserves the right to make changes to these Rules of the Use of Cookies at any time. The visitor of the website is obliged to familiarize themselves regularly with the content of this page of the website.